Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Contrary to what you might think, I did actually go to Machu Picchu and here are a few of the pictures, even though they're a few weeks late.  The ones with the fog are from when we first arrived, early in the morning.  During the early morning hike it was foggy and rainy and then in the mid morning it started clearing up.  
This was quite an experience and an amazing sight.  What was very amazing to me is that it was basically unknown for hundreds of years until the early 1900's.  It was built in the 1400's and no one knows exactly why it was abandoned.  Some people think it was because of the Spanish invasion and to prevent it from being discovered, the inhabitants left.  I also heard a theory that there was some sort of plague and the people living there were all killed.  Regardless, it's amazing that it was undiscovered for so long and you can look up all the history for yourself and enjoy these pictures along with it.  
It wouldn't be Peru without llamas I suppose so I made sure to get a picture with a few of the ones wandering around the ruins.  The picture from way up high is from the top of Waynapicchu, the mountain they only allow 400 people/day on.  It's actually a very steep hike up and it takes about an hour.  We had some decent weather up on top before it started pouring and had to make the trek down.  You never know what the weather is going to be like and we lucked out and got a few good hours in.  
Well...I finally got up some more pictures and it's just in time...I'm at a cafe picking up a wireless signal from somewhere and my computer is about to die so I hope you enjoy these few images of my Machu Picchu trip.


  1. Wowzers! Thats so freaking incredible!!! Probably one of the prettiest places in the world for sure! I want to see tons of more pictures when you get back of this place!

  2. THAT IS AWESOME!!! I've always wanted to see a sunset from up there
